Recipe for Classic Viennese Jam Cookies

The article provides a classic recipe for Viennese cookies with jam. You will learn how to knead quick dough and properly form sweet pastries. Following the step-by-step instructions, you can turn a set of the most common products into a pleasant and delicate treat.

1.5 hours
370 kcal
3 servings
Easy to cook
Recipe for Classic Viennese Jam Cookies

Kitchen appliances and utensils:

  • deep bowl;
  • whisk for whipping;
  • two plastic bags;
  • form for baking;
  • foil;
  • coarse grater;
  • oven.


Product amount
Butter 200 g
Eggs 2 pcs.
Sugar 0.5 stack
Baking powder for the dough 1 tsp
Jam 200 g
Flour 1 stack
If desired, you can also add vanilla sugar or vanillin, cinnamon or powdered sugar to the recipe.

Step cooking

  1. In a deep bowl, beat in two large chicken eggs, add 1 tsp. baking powder, 0.5 stack. Sahara.
    Combine eggs, sugar and baking powder in a bowl.
  2. Whisk all the ingredients with a whisk. If desired, add vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanillin.
    Beat the egg mass with a whisk.
  3. Take 200 g of butter at room temperature, cut it into small cubes and send in a bowl. Mix everything thoroughly with a fork or spoon until the oil has dissolved almost completely.
    Add softened butter to the egg mass and grind the ingredients.
  4. Gradually pour about a glass of flour into a bowl, kneading the dough. Look at the consistency of exactly how much flour you need to add.
    We add the flour in parts and knead the dough.
  5. Knead the dough thoroughly until a fairly dense ball is obtained.
    The test is soft, it should not stick to your hands.
  6. After that, divide it into two unequal parts: one larger, one smaller.
    We divide the finished dough into two parts: larger and smaller.
  7. Wrap both parts of the dough tightly in two separate plastic bags or plastic wrap and send to cool. Place a smaller piece in the freezer until it solidifies, and put a large piece of dough on a regular refrigerator shelf.
    Wrap the dough in cling film or bag and send it to the refrigerator.
  8. Cover the baking dish with foil so that it goes beyond the sides.
    Cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment.
  9. Remove a large piece of dough from the refrigerator and evenly distribute it with your hands on the bottom of the mold.
    line the baking sheet most of the dough. making small sides.
  10. Take 200 g of any jam, jam or marmalade that you like, and spread a thin layer over the dough.
    We spread jam on the test.
  11. Remove from the freezer a small piece of dough that should have frozen to hardness and rub it on a coarse grater. Put the dough chips on top of the jam.
    Rub the second part of the dough on a grater directly over the jam.
  12. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees and send the cake to bake until cooked - for about 30 minutes.
    The cake will be baked for half an hour.
  13. Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool, and then cut it into small squares with a sharp knife, forming a cookie.
    Viennese cookies with jam, prepared according to the classic recipe, are cut into portions before serving.

Decoration methods and serving options

Put the finished Viennese cookies on a large flat plate. For a more attractive look, you can sprinkle cookies with powdered sugar, which will also make the taste of cookies more sweet. If you chose apple jam for the recipe, then you can sprinkle dessert with cinnamon, which goes well with the taste of apple and baking.

This dish can also be served in the form of a pie, if you cut it into larger squares and put it on a plate with one layer, not a slide.

Viennese cookies can be served on the table with both hot drinks - tea, coffee or cocoa, as well as with cold drinks, such as milk.

Video recipe

You can learn how to cook delicious classic Viennese cookies with jam by watching the detailed video recipe for cooking this dish.

Today you learned how to cook appetizing, tasty and fragrant Viennese cookies according to the classic recipe. What kind of jam did you choose to make Viennese cookies? Did you get a dish according to this recipe? What are the secrets of making Viennese cookies? Share your tips and experiences in the comments on this article.

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Article updated: 24.04.2019


