

Vasilina Smotina: “My six sons are my assistants”

The mother of the six sons of Vasilin Smotrina is sure: even in a large family, a woman should find time for self-development, be beautiful and physically active. About how she does everything and what kind of lifehacks she uses - in an interview with


Nadezhda Boykova: “Avaricious guests at the hotel do not want to help”

Russian hotel employees in Turkey and Thailand are like doctors: they don’t like when they are given Alenka chocolate, but they are very happy with sausage and alcohol. A hundred-dollar bill, enclosed in a passport, can turn the cheapest room into apartments with sea views. The Turkish guide Nadezhda Boykova tells about the intricacies of rest abroad.


Veronika Pautova: “I consider my smile perfect!”

The beauty of a smile, first of all, lies in her health - Veronika Pautova, one of the few dentists in Siberia specializing in the color of tooth enamel, is sure. What is the danger of “home” bleaching and why pastes and brushes are not the main thing, she told


Maria Golovina: “I am at home in the village!”

To move from city to village is, oddly enough, the dream of a fairly large number of people. Of course, only a few are resolved: they stop problems with work, with housing, disagreements with relatives. Maria Golovina, speech therapist-defectologist from Kemerovo, decided to move. What is her life now, she told the portal

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